Battle of Vertières, The

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Bibliography & Summary

  • Le Glaunec, J.-P. (2014). L’ARMÉE INDIGÈNE La défaite de Napoléon en Haïti.
  • Fick, C. (1990). The Making of Haiti: Saint Domingue Revolution From Below.
  • Black, J. (2007). European Warfare in a Global Context, 1660–1815.
  • Chickering, R., & Förster, S. (Eds.). (2010). War in an Age of Revolution, 1775–1815.
  • Dorigny, M. (2004). Révoltes et révolutions en Europe et aux Amériques (1773–1802).


  • Marcel Dorigny (cited above) is a name we should all become familiar with. He single-handedly wrote the book mentioned in the biblio above to educate French children about the Battle of Vertières, an event that was neglected for all of French history. Now, the event is part of french education that prepares French students for the teacher recruitment competition.

1 -The Inevitability of Memory

2- The End of an Atlantic Revolution

3 – Trying Reconstruction

4 – The History of a Word that Doesn’t Exist

5 – Dernier Blans Yo

6 – Dernier Nèg La

7 – The True Symbol of Our Strength

8 – Memory & Place Names

9 – Echoing the Footsteps of Our Ancestors: Picolet, Fossé Capois, Vertières

10 – The Battle-Cry of Capois-la-Mort