Code Henry, The


  • Vaval, Duraciné. “Le Roi d’Haïti Henri Christophe,” in Revue de la Societé d’Histoire et de Géographie d’Haïti. June 1931.
  • Leyburn, James G. The Haitian People. 1942.


  • The Code Henry was promulgated to n January 30, 1812.
  • It is structured into seven parts: Civil, Commercial, Shipping and Maritime, Civil Process, Agriculture, and Military.
  • In general, the Code followed French precedent, except for the Agriculture section.
  • The Agriculture section was a unique invention of Henry Christophe, unparalleled in his time.
  • The Agriculture parts of the Code Henry was something to behold, according to some of the King’s contemporaries at the time.
  • Christophe devised a social order comprised of nobles and serfs and integrated those roles into a plantation economy based on money crops.
  • His Agricultural Law regulated the duties of proprietors and cultivators in an integrated fashion.
  • Slackering/laziness was literally against the law. Industriousness was the parent of virtue, idleness the source of vice and punishable.