Tooltip Categories Terms


A mercantilist economic policy term; for example, France’s monopoly on colonial trade


Source: Inspired by a conversation with Historian Dr. Alexis, Yveline Since it was whites who enslaved blacks, whites fearing blacks should be contextualized and held with a high degree of skepticism. After all, blacks were the captives of whites for…


a contract or convention between Spain and another power or company or individual for furnishing slaves for the Spanish dominions in America


Disembedding refers to the way in which contemporary social practices can no longer be primarily defined by their grounding, or embeddedness, in the local context of a restricted place and time. When something is disembedded, it is moved from a…


Yes, the spelling is correct! This is one of those words that looks fat-fingered; and no, it’s not equivalent to that indecipherable Trumpian “covfefe’. It’s a real word. I first encountered the word while reading Trouillot, Michel-Rolph’s “Haiti: State Against…