Category Scholar Series

Dr. Vincent Joos

Vincent Joos, PhD

Show Notes Did disaster capitalism help or hurt Haiti? In this series of episodes (2), Dr. Vincent Joos explores counter-productive aspects of disaster capitalism the failed international reconstruction of Port-au-Prince after the devastating 2010 earthquake. He describes the failures of…

Dr. Alex Dupuy

Alex Dupuy, PhD

Episode Description This compelling book and author offer a comprehensive analysis of the struggle for democracy in Haiti, set in the context of the tumultuous rise and fall of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Swept to power in 1991 as the champion of…

Dr. Eve Hayes de Kalaf

Eve Hayes de Kalaf, PhD

Episode Description With a focus on the Caribbean, this book highlights how identification practices as promulgated by the World Bank, United Nations (UN) and the Inter-American Development Bank can force the thorny question of nationality, unsettling long-established identities, and entitlements.…

Dr. Nathan Dize

Nathan Dize, PhD

Episode Description This episode focuses on the translation of a post-earthquake novel, The Immortals. The Immortals is set in an infamous neighborhood of Port-au-Prince, on Grand-Rue, where many women, young and old, trade in flesh, sex, and desire. We learn,…

Danielle Legros Georges

Danielle Legros Georges, Poet Laureate

Episode Description Danielle Legros Georges’ “The Dear Remote Nearness of You” speaks poetry’s origin in new and startling ways. This is the precise intelligence that knows it must step carefully across the light on the surface of the water.